Monday, June 20, 2011

Why I Hunt

I got asked a couple days ago why I hunt deer. At first I have the generic answer of because I like it. However this wasn’t what my friend’s brother wanted to hear. He classifies himself as an animal lover and can’t stand to see an animal in pain, so he asked for a better answer. So I thought about it for a minute and told him that I like many aspects that the sport provides me the solitude of nature, the art of preparation, the competition with the animal, the meat that the animal provides, and the camaraderie of fellow hunters. I told him that hunting is not just about killing an animal it’s the much more than that. After that answer that didn’t focus on the actual killing of the animal, he seemed satisfied with it but still didn’t like it. After our conversation I began to realize that many people focus on the actual killing of the animal and do not see all the other parts of hunting that make it so great. I can only speak for myself when saying my goal as a hunter is to harvest an animal but it’s not the only factor that makes it memorable or enjoyable.  Like I told my friend’s brother there is so much more that goes into the whole experience.
Being secluded in nature is probably the most enjoyable for me. It’s a time where you can let all your worries go and become in tuned with what’s going on around you. The wind breezing by, leaves rustling, the slight change in temperature as the seasons change, or birds gliding from limb to limb in search of food, squirrels scurrying across the ground looking acorns, even the smell of pine trees and wildflowers they all begin to come into clear focus when you get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. To me getting in touch with nature so closely is the biggest part of hunting I enjoy.
However to say that I do not enjoy the other aspects would be a false. I never really enjoyed organized team sports growing up. I didn’t enjoy the feeling of letting people down or being let down. I always gravitated towards independent competitions, so the natural one on one competition in hunting really appealed to my interests. The scouting of trails, food sources, and bedding areas not only got me in tune with nature as stated above but set the stage for the challenge that was ahead me. I could see how my opponent was playing his game and prepare a contour of my own. Whether I succeed or not is not what I focus on at the end of the day because I know that I had a satisfying time just playing the game.
The people that I meet while hunting also weigh in on the appeal of hunting for me. To me the tight nit groups that make up hunters are very generous and approachable. Many are always trying to help you succeed and get better. However, they won’t give up any “secret spots” or “honey holes” they will give you advice and techniques such as what to look for and when to look for it which will make you a better all around hunter.
As for my first answer I gave my friend brother whether generic or not it holds true. I like hunting but I like it for more than the act of killing I like because it fills many different aspects that I seek for enjoyment nature, competition and camaraderie.


  1. It is always refreshing to see another person share the same love for the outdoors as I do. Non-hunters do not understand that there is more to hunting than just killing. And that killing is one of the least important things about hunting. Also, many people feel that hunters inflict unnecessary pain, suffering, and stress on the animals. What they do not understand is that hunting is a conservation tool used to maintain healthy populations of game and without hunting the population would spike and many of the animals would suffer due to starvation. Great job on the posts.

  2. Thank you thats all every hunter ever wants a healthy population of game and enviroment,great friends, and good stories. If you happen to get some meat for the table in the process its only a plus.
